Urgent Care Clinic
Westview Medical provides urgent same day appointments for Westview Medical patients rostered to one of our family physicians. Appointments are required and can be booked online. Appointment booking opens at 7:00am Monday through Thursday. Each person requires their own appointment time (i.e. multiple family members can not attend one appointment slot).
Please read all of the information below before booking and attending a same day urgent appointment.
Please note that any missed appointment will be subject to the usual no show fee. Inappropriate booking may result in future inability to book online.
What is an urgent care visit?
Urgent care appointments are reserved for urgent issues that need a same day assessment.
This includes:​
difficulty breathing
unwell children
bladder infection (UTI)
infection requiring antibiotics
severe pain
mental health crisis
When is the Urgent Clinic?
Mondays 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesdays 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Wednesdays 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Thursdays 5:00pm - 8:00pm
How do I prepare for my visit?
Bring your valid OHIP card
Arrive 10 minutes early
Remember - only your one urgent issue will be addressed, all other issues will need to be booked with your primary care provider
What if I have an urgent issue when the clinic is closed?
Please attend your closest walk-in clinic if needed. In the event of an emergency please call 9-1-1 or attend your closest emergency department.
What is NOT an urgent care visit?
Please DO NOT book the following type of appointments:
Prescription refills
Mental Health Follow up
Well baby visits
Periodic Health Exams
Please call the clinic to book regular routine appointments.
How do I book an urgent visit?
Please use the online booking form above. If you have any difficulties please call the office to request a same day appointment (and remember this is only for urgent issues). If the request is deemed non -urgent you will be booked with your primary care provider on a later date. All patient's requires their own individual appointment time (i.e. multiple family members can not attend one appointment time).
What if I have an emergency?
In the event of an emergency pease call 9-1-1 or go directly to your closest emergency department.